Desktop Survival Guide
by Graham Williams

Installation Details

Below is a detailed step-by-step guide for installing Rattle. Simpler instructions for installing Rattle are provided in previous sections for Ubuntu and Debian (Section A.3) and MS/Windows (Section A.4) and might be preferred to the more detailed discussion below.

For a particular operating system (e.g., GNU/Linux), be sure to follow the relevant instructions.

  1. Install the GTK+ libraries
    GNU/Linux: these libraries will already be installed if you are running Gnome.  
    MS/Windows: download the self-installing package, gtk-dev-2.12.9-win32-2.exe, from and open it (e.g., double click its icon once it is downloaded to your Desktop) to install the libraries:

    MS/Windows: run Glade3-3.6.1.exe

    An alternative on MS/Windows that seems to work quite wellA.1 is to run an R script that will install everything required for GTK+. This R script installs the rggobi package (and other things it depends on). You can start up R (after installing R as in step 2 below) and then type the command:


    This installs the GTK libraries for MS/Windows and the rggobi package for R. (You need R installed already of course--see the next step.)

    Mac/OSX: install the latest version of the GTK+ library, including libglade, by downloading the gtk2-framework.dmg package (under ``Other binaries'') from

    All Operating Systems: after installing GTK+ or any of the other libraries, be sure to restart the R console, if you have one running. This will ensure that R finds the newly installed libraries.

  2. Install R
    GNU/Linux: R is packaged for many GNU/Linux distributions. For example, on Debian and Ubuntu install the packages with:

    Debian: $ wajig install r-recommended

    MS/Windows: the binary distribution can be obtained from the R Project website. Download the self-installing package and open it--the install process will begin. Generally, accept all of the default options that are offered in the installation process.

    MS/Windows: run R-2.11.1-win32.exe

    Mac/OSX: download the R-2.11.1.pkg package from CRAN or the development builds from and install it.

    All Operating Systems: to confirm you have installed R start up a Terminal and enter the command R (that's just the capital letter R). If the response is that the command is not found, then R is not yet installed!

  3. Install RGtk2
    The RGtk2 package is available on CRAN and from the RGtk2 web site. If you have installed all of the dependent R packages in the previous step then you won't need to install it here. Otherwise, from R use:

    R: > install.packages("RGtk2")

    Or to install the most recent release:

    R: > install.packages("RGtk2",repos="")

    GNU/Linux: you install the appropriate package for your distribution. On Debian and Ubuntu this is done with:

    Debain: $ wajig install r-cran-gtk2

    All Operating Systems: to confirm you have RGtk2 installed enter the following R command:

    R: > library(RGtk2)

  4. Install R Packages
    The following additional R packages are used by Rattle, and without them some functionality will be missing. Rattle will gracefully handle them being missing so we can install them when needed, or else all at once as int he examples below. If we perform an action where Rattle indicates a package is missing, we can then install the package, if we wish. Type ?install.packages at the R prompt for further help on installing packages.

    To automatically get all of the packages suggested by Rattle (and suggested by its dependencies in turn), use the Roption[]dependencies option. Otherwise list them all out in the command (or even just list the ones we want for now):

    R: > install.packages("rattle", dependencies=c("Depends", "Suggests"))


    R: > install.packages(c("ada", "amap", "arules", "bitops", 
           "cairoDevice", "cba", "combinat", "doBy", "ellipse", 
           "fEcofin", "fCalendar", "fBasics", "fpc", 
           "gdata", "gtools", "gplots", "Hmisc", "kernlab", 
           "mice", "network", "pmml", "randomForest", "reshape",
           "rggobi", "ROCR", "RODBC", "rpart", "RSvgDevice", 

  5. Install Rattle
    From within R we can install Rattle directly from CRAN with:

    R: > install.packages("rattle", dependencies=c("Depends", "Suggests"))

    An alternative (but not for Mac/OSX) is to install the most recent release from Togaware:

    R: > install.packages("rattle", 
    R: > install.packages("pmml", 

    If these don't work for some reason you can also download the latest version of the rattle package directly from Togaware. Download either the .tar.gz file for GNU/Linux and Mac/OSX, or the .zip file for MS/Windows. Install the package from within R:

    R: > install.packages("", repos=NULL)

    or from the command line:

    Mac: R CMD INSTALL rattle_2.3.126.tar.gz

    Use the name of the file as it was downloaded. Sometimes filename is munged when downloaded so check the name, as it might be:


    You can either correct the name or use this name in the command.

  6. Start Rattle
    From an X Windows terminal if we are using GNU/Linux, or from an XTerminal if using Mac/OSX, or from the Rgui.exe if using MS/Windows (we call all these, generically, the R Console), we can load the rattle package into R's library:

    R: > library(rattle)

    This loads the Rattle functionality (which is also available without running the Rattle GUI). To start the Rattle GUI simply run the command:

    R: > rattle()

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