Go to TogaWare.com Home Page. GNU/Linux Desktop Survival Guide
by Graham Williams
Duck Duck Go


CD or DVD ROM Distribution

The available CD and DVD ROMs for Debian include the main distribution, which is a self contained install, and the network installer5.1(netinst) CD-ROM. Other CPU specific CD-ROMs (e.g., the Sparc 3.0 srage CD-ROM) are also available from Debian. The disk images can be obtained from, for example, http://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/debian-cd/ and similar archives (this Australian mirror is only available to Australian hosts). For CD-ROM only installations you may need to obtain multiple CD-ROMs, although even with DVDs this is starting to spill over two DVDs. For the netinst approach the CD-ROM images are generally around 100MB.

Grab the disk image from a web site and burn to CD or DVD (preferably using an RW format!):

  # cdrecord -data cdimage.raw

A good approach is to use the netinst approach—the base packages are provided on one CD-ROM and from there the rest of the system is installed, as required, over the network.

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Other online resources include the Data Science Desktop Survival Guide.
Books available on Amazon include Data Mining with Rattle and Essentials of Data Science.
Popular open source software includes rattle and wajig.
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