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by Graham Williams
Duck Duck Go


File Conversions

20190308 Converting from one file format to another is a common yet complex task. Here we collect together a variety of conversion tasks and the tools to perform them. We use pandoc for much of the hard work. File types supported include docx, md, org, pdf, rst, tex.

$ pandoc mydoc.tex -o mydoc.md        # LaTeX to Markdown

Jupyter notebook conversions are provided by jupyter-nbconvert:

$ jupyter-nbconvert --to markdown doc.ipynd --stdout > doc.md
$ jupyter-nbconvert --to python   doc.ipynd --stdout > doc.py
$ jupyter-nbconvert --to python   doc.ipynd --stdout > doc.R

Another type of conversion results from MS/Windows using a different line ending convention for text files to GNU/Linux (and Unix). Originally dos2unix was used for this task which is now accomplished by flip which will convert the file in-place:

$ flip -u doc.txt # Convert to GNU/Linux format.
$ flip -m doc.txt # Convert to MS/Windows format.

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Other online resources include the Data Science Desktop Survival Guide.
Books available on Amazon include Data Mining with Rattle and Essentials of Data Science.
Popular open source software includes rattle and wajig.
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