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by Graham Williams
Duck Duck Go


MLHub Commands

The MLHub package supports any number of commands that are exposed through the individual model packages. MLHub itself implements the following commands:

$ ml                   # Summary of commands supported by ml.
$ ml available         # List of currated models on the MLHub.
$ ml installed         # List of models installed locally.
$ ml install   <model> # Install the named model.
$ ml configure <model> # Install the model's required dependencies.
$ ml readme    <model> # View an introduction to the model.
$ ml commands  <model> # List commands supported by the model.
$ ml remove    <model> # Remove the model and (optionally) model cache.

Most model packages will support the following commands:

$ ml demo <model> # Run the demonstration of the model.
$ ml gui  <model> # Graphical display to utilise the model.

And then individual models will support model specific commands. Some examples include:

$ ml ocr azcv <file>
$ ml identify objects <file>
$ ml color colorize <file>
$ ml listen azspeech2txt
$ ml train rain <file>

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Graham Williams is the developer of open source software including rattle and wajig.
He is the author of Data Mining with Rattle and Essentials of Data Science.
This web site is hosted by Togaware, free and open source software since 1984.