9.10 Open Source Applications


Open source applications should be preferred over closed source applications so as to have some credibility in terms of the privacy and security credentials of the application. Below are numerous open source applications available for Android, typically best of class. For each application a link to the source code is provided as well as links to the packages available on the Google Play Store, the F-Droid repository (recommended), and the APK Mirror and APK Pure archives. For the latter two do take particular care when installing applications to guard against the installation of malware. F-Droid has well established malware protections and so there have been no reports of malware infiltration. It has a strong open source foundation.

class application licence github play fdroid apkmirror apkpure
backup sms sms backup+ Apache github google fdroid apkmirror apkpure
cloud storage nextcloud GPLv2 github google fdroid apkmirror apkpure
encyclopedia wikipedia Apache2.0 github google fdroid apkmirror apkpure
internet radio transistor MIT transistor
launcher lawnchair GPLv3 github google fdroid apkmirror apkpure
mail fairmail
messaging signal GPLv3 github google apkmirror apkpure
music vanilla music GPLv3 github google fdroid apkpure
passwords keepassdroid GPLv3 github google fdroid apkmirror apkpure
pod catcher antenna pod MIT github google fdroid apkmirror apkpure
repository fdroid GPLv3 gitlab fdroid apkmirror
sms qksms GPLv3 github google fdroid
stock market candle GPLv3 gitlab fdroid
todo simpletask GPLv3 github google fdroid
tracker opentracks fdroid
tracker map osm fdroid

Alternative local music players include auxio and phonograph plus.

For recipes see broccoli.

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