43.1 Azure Sphere
Microsoft’s mission to empower every person and organisation on the planet to do more. One prong to this ambition is the open source and freely licensed suite of technology to support the development of secure Internet of Things devices, called Azure Sphere. Despite the name the Azure cloud is not a requirement, but is well support, whilst any cloud storage can be deployed for Azure Sphere.
Azure Sphere is a Linux-based operating system (the first time Microsoft has publicly released an operating system running the Linux kernel) supporting very stringent security requirements and energy efficiency. The platform provides an open processor specification with the first instance being the ARM based MediaTek MT3620.
This is significant since there has been no previous standards and many or even most Internet of Things devices, like baby monitoring cameras, were inherently insecure and had not mechanism to update the device. By making an open source and free open standard some of the major issues around security of IoT devices is resolved.
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