32.87 Flutter Web App


To build a JavaScript based web app:

flutter build web

This creates the standalone web app in build/web/. The assumed base for the app is root (/). For our example the base will actually be /app/ so we need to modify the base href:

perl -pi -e 's|<base href="/">|<base href="/app/">|' build/web/index.html

In the file itself:

  <base href="/app/">

The app is now ready to install to the server:

rsync -avzh build/web/ mlhub.ai:webapps/mlhub2/app/
ssh mlhub.ai chmod -R go+rX webapps/mlhub2/app

Visit the app in a browser as https://mlhub.ai/app/. The app takes something like 15 seconds to start, but once started:

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