40.21 Olive Firmware Upgrades


Olive is a Dell XPS13 9380. See Section 40.19 for details.

Firmware Update 20220117

fwupdmgr get-upgrades; fwupdmgr update 

The system started booting into BusyBox with a initramfs prompt. Typing exit reported that /dev/nvme0n1p7 (the boot drive) needed a fsck. So:

fsck /dev/nvme0n1p7 -y

This quickly finished, with inode fixes, etc., and then another exit and it booted into Ubuntu.

Firmware Update 20200824

$ sudo fwupdmgr upgrade
* Thunderbolt Controller has the latest available firmware version
* PM981 NVMe Samsung 512GB has no available firmware updates
Upgrade available for System Firmware from 1.8.0 to 1.11.0
XPS 13 9380 must remain plugged into a power source for the duration
of the update to avoid damage. Continue with update? [Y|n]: 
Downloading 1.11.0 for System Firmware...
Fetching firmware https://fwupd.org/downloads/
Downloading.             [***************************************] Less than one minute remaining.
Decompressing.           [***************************************]
Authenticating.          [***************************************]
Updating System Firmware.[     \                                 ]
Scheduling               [***************************************]
Successfully installed firmware
* Touchpad has no available firmware updates

An update requires a reboot to complete. Restart now? [y|N]: y

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