61.23 NBN Fibre Connection in Australia
NBN connections in Australia will be one of FTTN, FTTC, FTTB, or FTTP.
Fibre to the node or neighbourhood (FTTN) utilises fibre optic cabling to a neighbourhood node which might be shared with up to 100 households. From the node to the household old technology like copper cable is used. Fibre to the curb (FTTC) and then fibre to the building/business/basement (FTTB) and then fibre to the premise or home (FTTP/FTTH) each improve on the situation by reducing the length of the metal cable (copper twisted pair or coaxial).
FTTN/FTTC/FTTB connect from the high speed node/curb/building to the home using the slower pre-existing telephone infrastructure. This technology then requires connection to a modem supporting VDSL2.
It is often a good idea to factory reset your modem/router before setting it up for a connection. Connection to the Internet via your modem/router through an Ethernet cable or WiFi should now be possible. The required credentials for WiFi are often printed on a label on the bottom of the modem/router, as often are the default modem login details.
The modem’s DSL/TEL socket is directly connected to the telephone wall socket (perhaps through a power surge protector). Splitters as were the case for ADSL are not longer required.
The modem will eventually provide some indication that it has established a connection with the NBN. On the Fritz!Box this is when the Power/DSL LED stops flashing and remains lit. During the communications process the same LED uses a different flash pattern to indicate it is negotiating the connection.
Using the default IP address for the router (e.g., for the Fritz!Box) connect to the router through a web browser by typing the IP address (e.g., into the browser’s address bar. After a reset a new password will usually be requested. As an added security measure the Fritz!Box requires a (any) physical button on the modem/router to be pressed.
The ISP provided setup and connection details should now be checked against the modem’s setup and then connection to the Internet via the ISP should be established. For the Fritz!Box 7490 connecting to iiNet as the ISP the VLAN ID needs to be set to 2 as an addition step beyond the DSL Wizard setup.
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