61 Networks
The Internet (interconnected networks) is the backbone of all communications and most services used today. Home, local and international networks provide access to resources beyond the local desktop computer, laptop, smartphone, or thing (as in the internet of things). Most computers (including smartphones) connect either through Ethernet (named in recognition of the nebulous aether world out there) whereby the connection is by wire, or through WiFi (as in HiFi but for computers) to connect wirelessly. On connecting to the Internet a unique address, called the IP (Internet Protocol)} address, is assigned to the computer.
For starters, Section @ref(modem_router) introduces the basic concepts of the Modem/Router for connecting to the internet, Section 38.4 provides an understanding of how to connect cables between networking hardware and your device, Section @ref(network_interface_name) introduces the concept of a network interface which each device will have, and once connected to a network Section @ref(ip_address) introduces the concept of an IP address.
Useful commands for network management include the network manager command line interface, nmcli.
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