26.6 Emacs Magit and Forge
magit is an emacs package to interact with git, for commit and push. forge interacts through the git API for pull requests and issues.
wajig install elpa-magit
wajig install elpa-closql elpa-emacsql elpa-emacsql-sqlite elpa-ghub elpa-let-alist elpa-treepy
git clone git@github.com:magit/forge.git .emacs.d/elisp/forge
Note that elpa-magit-forge is not up-to-date on the Ubuntu repository so clone the package from github into the local Emacs Lisp folder.
On github get a token for my repository from
https://github.com/settings/tokens. Choose an expiry horizon, like 30
days, as a measure to protect your account from tokens that get
exposed unknowingly and so only have a limited lifetime. Copy the
token and paste it as the password into ~/.authinfo
The run M-x magit
in a git managed folder and then f n
to load the
forge. Once loaded, forge adds the pull request and issues items to
the magit buffer.
Further information:
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